Mike Austin


Retired Teacher 





A World-Class Expert in Latin American Misadventure


With anti-communist gunmen near Sayache, Guatemala, 1987



Professional Pages

      Twenty-seven years of teaching in Costa Rica, Argentina and Oklahoma. I am now happily retired.


My Backpacking Career

Fourteen countries by boot and machete.


Walking the Darien Gap

Out of space. Out of time. Scary as Hell. Stay away.


Backpacking Dreams

Some day. I promise.


Photos of Latin America 2003-2011

Mountains and jungles and ruins, oh my!


Essays on Teaching

Essays on Travel

Essays on Culture


God. Country. Family.

Jungles. Mountains. Forests.

Books. Bikes. Tents.

and My Dog, Marvel.




Fun Facts

Guatemala 2023

High Plains Drifter 

The Great North Wester

Latin American Misadventure

A Year of Living Dangerously

Another Year of Living Dangerously


 Links   Archives   Search


After March 2024 my webpage will no longer be updated.


My dog Marvel and I are riding my Surly Pugsley from Oklahoma to Mexico, and on to Central and South America. We should return in three years (2024 - 2027).


In the meantime, fare thee well.

Personal Pages

Who I am and what I have done.


Six Men and the Jungle

Teacher and students get real in the jungle.


Two Men And the Jungle

Two teachers get real in the jungle. 


One Man and the Jungle

One man gets real in the jungle.


Photos of Latin America 1983-2003

Some wild and weird climes.


 Essays on History And Politics

Essays on Philosophy and Theology

The Art of Writing